This week I had the pleasure to sit down and have a chat with the first Master Builder for BAW 2.O IAmReallyBored, also known as Anders! Once you get to talking to him, he turns out to be a really nice and hilarious guy! I definitely recommend just chatting him up while you're waiting in his queue, cause let's be honest, you might as well at this point. I am really looking forward to the rooms and badges he brings forth to the table. Please don't be afraid to also check out his rooms in our creations section! Anyhow, here's the interview!

Q1 : How long have you been playing Habbo? 
“Since the 30th of March 2007, on the Norwegian hotel.”


Q2 :What are your thoughts on the closure of the Norwegian hotel? 
“It’s probably best explained with an emoji.. (Tear Emoji) It’s all good now though, Sandbox has basically covered my expenses for life. I already spent 13K on wired on there!”


Q3 :Can you speak about some of your past building experience on that hotel? 
“I lost so much wired, you wouldn’t believe. I lost my 60 room maze as well, and I forgot to screenshots all the rooms before I left; it wasn’t like a regular maze either. The rooms weren’t like normal maze rooms that you tend to see. Every room had it’s own game and no two rooms had the same game. So every room was an experience. The maze was also very different in how it was built. There were 8 worlds, each themed to a furni line. But before you started playing, you could select a world, so if you wanted to skip over a world, you would be able to. I don’t like to force rooms down peoples’ throats, so I let people play the rooms they wanted.”


Q4 : How do you like to plan out your rooms?
“You could say that I like to force queues down peoples’ throats, huehuehue.. However, I’m planning on reducing the number of rooms with queues in my next set of 6 rooms from 6 to 5. I was considering even making a telephrase queued.”


Q5 : Do you have any inspiration for your rooms? 
“I love to go back in time. I like to go back all the way to the early days and look at campaigns. Some of which I took part in myself. But, I also take inspiration from gameshows, take this as a forewarning.”


Q6 : What’s your most memorable or favourite past Habbo campaign/event? 
“Let me tell you this in story form.. It was the fall of 2010, a time where gates were rotated manually. Carpets in melting carpets were moved by moving it by hand. It was a time before wired.. But then! A hope in the darkness! The 4th of November came around, and the magic that I love today finally got released. Months of hype lead up to a single moment, a euphoria like no other. Wired was released! Hail Mother Mary! That was the best Habbo event ever! Many credits were bought during those Winter months. End of story.”


Q7 : What is your favourite old school Habbo public room? 
“Either the Rooftop, which I especially liked when it got changed for Habboween and Christmas, like the roof was covered in snow; it was also connected to another one of my favourite public rooms, the Rooftop Café. The Lido Deck .due to the diving feature. Or the Rooftop Rumble, since I liked playing Wobble Squabble, it was really fun.”


Q8 : What is your favourite non-wired Habbo game? 
“Has to be Mario Kart.”


Q9 : Do you think that you, by yourself, could win in a build off against the Habbo Ambassadors?
“Short answer : no. Long answer : if the main goal of the room was to wire a game, then yes.”


Q10 : What is your favourite Habbo furni/furni line (other than wired)?
“Hmm, probably the Electric Butler. It was the first furni I ever wanted for real in Habbo. I still remember when they changed it from 12 HC gifts, to 24, I believe, and that guy was the final one. I wanted one so bad.”


Q11 : What do you do when you’re not on Habbo?
“I love boardgames, I tend to meet up with a game group biweekly where I live and we play all night. It’s some good non-digital fun! The rest is school, sleeping, or playing some other game.”


Q12 : Battleball or Snowstorm? 
“Wobble Squabble, just kidding! I liked both. Battleball is more of a team game, where the whole team needed to work together, if not you lost. In Snowstorm I loved free-for-all mode. But in Snowstorm it was also possible to rock the game by yourself. You can carry your team, so it had a higher peak of fun; while Battleball was more like ‘oh, I got a crap team, well GG’. I would say Snowstorm then.”


And there you have it! Hope you all enjoyed the interview and if you have not yet, please check out my previous interview with Zarek. If you have any questions for me to ask in the future and/or anybody else you want me to interview, please don't be afraid to leave a comment! That's all for now, thank you all for reading, and hopefully I don't leave such large gaps between my interviews!