Week 4 of Ambassador interviews.

This week I had the pleasure to sit down and interview Zarek, the newest member to the Habbo ambassador team. He is a really optimistic and kind person to be around, as well as being somebody never too busy to help out! Trust me, we had so many distractions going on during this interview, and I was able to see his amazing ambassador helping skills in action. He seems like he is a really interesting guy and doing this interview really motivates me to want to get to know him more. Anyhow, please continue to the interview below:

Q1 : Asl?
"Is this Habbo Match?"

Q2 : How long have you been playing Habbo for?
"Since December of '05."

Q3 : What hotel did you play?
"I am a .com original player!"

Q4 : How long have you been an ambassador for?
"I've been an ambassador for one week now! I also co-hosted my first Infobus session with L0-VE yesterday."

Q5 : How did this happen? Do you mind if you share with us this process?
"I can explain it, but it isn't a straight and narrow process. First, to be considered to be a Habbo ambassador, they look at full guardians who are actively using the helper tool. They look at your at your mute and ban history. They look how you act and behave in the hotel as well. When an ambassador resigns from the ambassador team, a spot become open of course, and the process to start looking for a replacement begins. I believe Habbo will ask current ambassadors for recommendations on users for the replacement. So each ambassador can send in their recommendation, but we don't get told by Habbo that we are being looked at as a candidate. We don't submit an application. So you don't really know if you are being considered or not, until they have selected someone. MOD-MissCle0patra contacted me, then I had to read some information and then agree to it. I was announced at the ambassador meeting last Saturday."

Q6 : What are you most excited to do as the newest member of the Habbo ambassador team?
"I'm most excited about being able to help users with Habbo, so that they can get out as much as I did from our Habbo community. Habbo was there for me during my youth, so I would like to be able to pass it forward."

Q7 : What is your most cherished furni item?
"This is a hard question.. I guess now it would be my Infobus wall-trophy, but before that it was my Romantique Clock."

Q8 : Coke or Pepsi?

Q9 : What is your favourite Habbo pet?
"The Subterranean Ice Dragon."

Q10 : Do you play an instrument or any sports?
"I don't follow any sports, but I was in the marching band in school. I marched the Mellophone, which is a marching french horn. My main instrument, however, was the alto saxophone."

Q11 : What old Habbo feature do you miss the most?
"I miss the 'poof' effect that used to happen when we changed our outfits."

Q12 : If you could compare Funkyhabbo to any Habbo furni metaphorically, which would you choose and why?
"The Cosmos Telescope, because he can see you coming from miles away."

Q13 : What do you do when you're not on Habbo?
"Oh goodness.. I am in my final semester of university. So I am usually in class or working on an assignment. I also try to visit my family on the weekends, because after I graduate I may not see them as much anymore. Likewise, it depends on where I find a job!"

Q14 : What is your favourite movie or movie genre?
"This is a hard one! I do love Marvel and DC, I love all sorts of films. This is too hard to pick one to call my all time favourite. My Netflix account isn't even sure what I like, I watch films from all categories."

Q15 : Do you have a favourite Pokémon game?
"I played them back on the gameboy. Such as, Yellow, Red, Blue, Silver and Gold. And I played one on the DS, which was either pearl or platinum, I can't remember. I played Pokémon Stadium on the N64! I did try playing Pokémon Go, but that is too much for me. I got too many other things to worry about."

Q16 : If you could have one single superpower, which would you have and why?
"I would be a Kryptonian, because I too enjoy helping others!

And there you have it! My apologies for the delayed post, yet also I want to thank Zarek for taking the time for me to conduct this interview. If you haven't yet, please check out my interview last week with chidiva. If you have any questions for me to ask in the future and/or any ambassadors you want me to interview, please don't be afraid to leave a comment! That's all for this week, thank you all again for reading!