Thank you to everybody for entering all the shark week activities last week. Here are some statistics after counting up the participants of all 5 activites, there was a total of 82 individual people who participated in at least one activity, 14 people participated in all 5 activities, and the activity with the most participants was activity 5 with 56 entries! All participants have now been credited with their respective icons, site achievement, and 20 bites points for those who participated in all the activities! 

Read below for the winners of each activity's raffles and the winner of the Rare Shark Head! You can check out the main article here.

Activity Raffle Winners

Activity 1 : Rose - 5c
Activity 2 : Dani - 5c
Activity 3 : Morpheus - 5c
Activity 4 : raccoona - 5c
Activity 5 : NurseryGrimes - 5c + Rare Shark Head (since the activity achieved over 50 participants!)

Rare Shark Head Winner

Congratulations to Kingdoms for being the lucky winner! Also, a round of applause to the 13 other members who participated in every activity : JunZ12, Princehooligan, NurseryGrimes, Sary, paddleboard, muddyshorts, Erick, greker230, Xenid, valeriehyh, raccoona, Taiwanasian, and Armset!


Thank you all again for participating and I hope this week went swimmingly! Please message me if you have yet to claim your prize, or are missing the site achievement or any icons.