Welcome to the 12th Weekly Bites!

Here we will recap everything thats been happening on HabboBites as well as feature user-submitted content.

If you would like your content to be featured in the next edition of Weekly Bites, simply click here.




Last week we asked for you to settle the animal popularity vote and here are the results:

Dogs - 26

Cats - 12

Rodents -

None - 3

As you can see, dogs (sadly) won by a landslide! Looks like the majority of Habbobites users are dog-lovers.

For a limited time only, you can purchase the "Bork Bork" forum icon in the Bites Shop for half price!

In regards to the previous poll on whether HabboBites should have a name change or not, the results will be out on a later date.



Education Corner

We are introducing a new segment to Weekly Bites called Education Corner.

In this segment, users can submit interesting websites, articles, videos etc. they think is interesting and will be a great educational piece for the readers. 

Nada al-Ahdal

Nada al-Ahdal was a 10 year old child when she was forced into an arranged marriage with a much older man. She has escaped two child marriages and now lives with her uncle due to continuuing mistreatment from her parents. In 2013, Nada al-Ahdal posted a video on youtube, criticising child marriages and how many children forced into these marriages end up being abused and/or committing suicide. Her video quickled went viral and caused many controversies in media outlets. The outcome of her video resulted in more awareness of child marriages, especially in Yemen where there is no minimum age for marriage. 

TEDMED - Sue Klebold

In this TED Talk, Sue Klebold, the mother of Columbine Highschool shooter Dylan Klebold shares her experience on the aftermath of the unfortunate massacre. She recalls every detail of her family life and what could have possibly lead up to the fateful decision made by her son. She shares her painful experience not to excuse her son's behaviour but rather, encourages parents and professionals to view the relationship between mental health and violence. 



Ask the Staff

We asked the staff "If you had control of HabboBites for an entire day, what would you do to the site?” and here are some of the responses:

"Wow that's a good one, well the first thing I would do is probably add twitter feeds for everyone to view, as well as maybe add a habbo imager that we could put our characters in different styles like what other fansites have (as well as maybe punish FunkyHabbo mwahahha)" - AwesomeToThe27

"I would prepare for world domination and make the name HabboBitesObsole 2.0 2017" - Obsole

"If i had control of the site I'd probably just post dog pictures everywhere and videos of puppies frolicking through fields of grass" - Paddleboard

"I would make more variety of Duckie!" - Seth

"Put a mystic duck that is not redeemable as a prank, then reward everyone 1000 bitespoints, but remove them 30 mins later. Maybe even suspend Funkyhabbo." - Luq

"I will keep spawning ducks for the entire day especially those rare ducks to add them into my collection!!" - Kreasa




Did you know, HabboBites has currently 3323 members! 

HabboBites opened its doors on December 31 2015 and since then, we have developed a strong and close community. 

Just six months later, on June 06 2016, HabboBites was recognised as an official fansite!

How long do you think it'll take to reach 4000 members? Should we do something exciting for when that moment comes? Let us know!



Silly Speeches

Cheer up Zewedu!



Hidden Hideouts

Room Name: `H`][ `H`ogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Room Owner: FriendFyre

To visit the room, click here!




HabboBites Snapshots



That's all for our 12th edition of Weekly Bites - we will be back every Monday

Remember, you can submit your own content to be featured in future editions of Weekly Bites and be rewarded for it!

Sorry for the short edition this week - Weekly Bites relies on your contribution!

For more information, refer to our "Introducing Weekly Bites" article.