Welcome to the 27th Weekly Bites! 

Here we will recap everything thats been happening on HabboBites as well as feature user-submitted content.

If you would like your content to be featured in the next edition of Weekly Bites, simply click here.

Earn bites points for each content featured in Weekly Bites!



HabboBites is an Official Fansite!


Thank you everyone for your constant support, effort and activity for our fansite. This would not have been possible without any of you and we are incredibly glad to have regained official status! To celebrate, we're giving away 5 14 Days HC Boxes! All you need to do is comment the date you joined on HabboBites here, and you will even get an awesome site achievement, designed by the amazing Xenid!



Farewell Paddleboard


This week, our lovely NA Events Manager, Paddleboard, better known as Court, stepped down due to some upcoming changes in her life! We thank her for all our contributions to HabboBites and the staff team will definitely not be the same without her! We are so lucky to have had her be part of the team and would have not been able to achieve this incredible milestone without her. But don't worry, she will still be sticking around the site and helping out here and there. Make sure to wish her all the best!

Court, you will remain in all of our hearts as an awesome manager and we wish you all the best! We won't ever forget you!



Silly Speeches


This week's silly speech was submitted by Taiwanasian.



Random Recommendations


Spider-Man: Homecoming

Since this character's introduction in Captain America: Civil War, now apart of the Marvel Cinematic Universe unlike the other two Spider-Man film series, Peter Parker is faced with new challenges including his new powers, establishing himself as his own superhero, and even the struggles of a teenaged boy in high school. I even dreaded another Spider-Man, yet this defenitely was an awesome way to start off the new series. I look forward to more films including this particular character and hope finally for a few films in which the story line deosn't go totally bezerk, cough cough Spider-Man 3 cough cough. There's even some answers to other questions in the Marvel Cinematic Universe!



Fashion Frenzy


The theme last week was "Superheroes", here are some of the entries :

Storm. By : Xenid

Catwoman. By : beehun


Next weeks theme is "Dreamdate with Larry" so get creative and start dressing up!



Hidden Hideouts


Room Name : Tiny Fish Market

Room Owner : icearbr

The room above was submitted by Xenid, to visit the room please click here.



Where are Mooo Funkyhabbo?


Quick! Funkyhabbo has gone missing at the farm and he left some riddles to find him! If you are able to find the riddle, figure out it's answer, and manage to track down our lovely owner, take a screenshot with him (and the Frog Prince) and post it to the feed with the tag #cheekyfunkyhabbo in order to win! Click here to check out more details about the game, as well as the prizes to be won.





Last week we asked you "What is your favourite ice cream flavour?" and here are the results:

Vanilla - 10

Chocolate - 13

Matcha - 6

Cookies n' Cream - 29

Fruit (various flavours) - 6

All of them!! - 21

Now we know how to plan for HabboBites upcoming Ice Cream party, if we ever end up having one! A new poll question will be up shortly, be sure to answer and find out the results next week!



Ask The Staff


We asked the staff "If you woke up tomorrow as an animal, what animal would you choose to be and why?" and here are some of the responses:


a dinosaur cos ill be famous since i got extinct long time ago - Rose

I wanna be pikachu, idk if its animal or pokemon i just wanna be pika - BryanYH

an elephant so i can stomp on other people - Paddleboard

I will be a Caracal, because i'm always more awake at night than in the day!! - Toast

I would be a dung beetle so i can play with poo - Kingdoms

If I was an animal, I'd be a dog because I'm a top dawg. Hahaha, joke, but honestly, because they are kind, empathetic and loving to everyone no matter what, and that's what I alway try to be with everyone on Habbo and Habbobites. ❤️ - Taiwanasian

I want to be an African spurred tortoise, also known as a sulcata tortoise!!!! They live up to 100 years old, they are so slow and loved by their owners. I want to be able to live the life of waking up, followed by eating and then sleeping again. - Sary

either an otter because they are cute and make squeaky noise and they r just cool and thiccccc or a cockatoo because they always just seem so happy and excited and make screaming noises aka ME - Tom

A panda so I could just spend my day eating & sleeping 😍 - Arical

The animal I'd be is a frog. This is because frogs are slimey and green, this means I do not need to buy lube. Another reason is because I can blend into grass, this is a good technique to camouflage and hide away from people. A frogs graceful jump is one of the most eye catching scenes you can experience in a life time! A frog also produces baby tadpoles which are super cute, sometimes you can leave them in Milk tea drinks and people will mistaken them for Grass Jelly. Most people say frogs are ugly, but deep down, us frogs are beautiful and sweet in the inside! Frogs also live in a water surrounding environment, by traveling to places via swimming allows their muscles to be exercised regularly. However, the main reason of being a frog is... they taste good. A frogs unique texture and taste brings memories of fried chicken with a hinge of tofu. I would like to be an animal that tastes good because you are what you eat. - Harriet

I would be a dog bc dogs are outgoing like me. And they r rly cute - Unresourced



HabboBites Snapshots


That's all for our 27th edition of Weekly Bites - we will be back every Monday.

Remember, you can submit your own content to be featured in future editions of Weekly Bites and be rewarded for it!

For more information, refer to our "Introducing Weekly Bites" article.