Welcome to the 59th Weekly Bites! 

Here we will recap everything thats been happening on HabboBites as well as feature user-submitted content.

If you would like your content to be featured in the next edition of Weekly Bites, simply click here.

Earn bites points for each content featured in Weekly Bites!

You go grill!

What is HabboBites without talking about food constantly no matter the occasion. Here's a great opportunity to share with our awesome community your favourite dish and a chance to get rewarded for it as well! You can score a really cute site icon and even more! Head on over here for more information.

Random Recommendations

The Gifted - Season 1

Not completed yet, but is a berry interesting show about the X-men that has chose their descendants to protect the earth. The descendants are commonly known as mutants which are frowned upon with the mortals, as some of these people use their powers as terrorists. The common people are hunting these people down to imprison them for life. The mutants, some of which are not terrorists are constantly on a run to escape from these people. In summary, it’s about survival in a world that seems too drastic.

This week's random recommendation was submitted by Phebs.

Hidden Hideouts

Room Name:  [ BelieveMe] <🖤> Rare & Super Shop <🖤> R.I.P
Room Owner: BelieveMeSafety

Thank you BryanYH for submitting the room above and reminding us how poor we truly are.. You can find this room by clicking here.


Last week we asked you "Where is Stanley?and here are the results:

I don't know - 12

With Funkyhabbo? - 16

He's been dognapped! - 11

I've dognapped him! - 10

*flips table* WHAT HE'S GONE? - 25

YES HE IS GONE AND WE DON'T KNOW WHERE HE WENT! Get your pitchforks and torches ready for a good ol' hunt! A new poll question will be up shortly, be sure to answer and find out the results next week!

Silly Speeches

This week's silly speeches were submitted by Jing,

and Jamie.

HabboBites Screenshots


That's all for our 59th edition of Weekly Bites - we will be back every Monday.

Remember, you can submit your own content to be featured in future editions of Weekly Bites and be rewarded for it!

For more information, refer to our "Introducing Weekly Bites" article.