Welcome to the 73rd Weekly Bites! 

Here we will recap everything thats been happening on HabboBites as well as feature user-submitted content.

If you would like your content to be featured in the next edition of Weekly Bites, simply click here.

Earn bites points for each content featured in Weekly Bites!

Beach Closed!

If you have literally just joined HabboBites, completely missed all the news over the weekend (somehow), or just generally out-to-lunch, the latest campaign has just launched here at HabboBites! If you couldn't tell by this segment's title, our campaign is enterily beach-themed and there are plenty of awesome activities lined up (*cough* Shark Week will never die *cough*)! Hover on over to the Bites Shop in order to purchase a Campaign Pack (pictured below) to start participating, and don't forget to check out the campaign article for all the jaws-dropping activities!


Last week we asked you "How often do you crave food?and here are the results:

Occasionally - 4

Sometimes - 14

I never stop? - 16

Feed me! - 13

None of the above - 1

Not at all suprised for HabboBITES. A new poll question will be up shortly, be sure to answer and find out the results next week!


Did you know...
• Banging your head against a wall burns 150 calories an hour.
• Making hippos upset make their sweat turn red.
• Killing a group of crows makes you a murderer who murdered a murder.
• Lifting a kangaroo’s tail will make it not able to hop.
• Heart attacks are more likely to happen on a Monday.

The facts above were submitted by Congruent.

Uno-Dos-Tres-Quatro gimme some more, OK!

Unfortuantely, this is not an advertisement for another season of Bitesvision, but it is for this week's competition which is dedicated solely to Chocolate Ice Cream Day! Check out the competition article here for more information and please do not forget to meet us at the ice cream truck...

Silly Speeches

This week's silly speeches were submitted by Audemars,


and Audemars, again.

HabboBites Screenshots


That's all for our 73rd edition of Weekly Bites - we will be back every Monday.

Remember, you can submit your own content to be featured in future editions of Weekly Bites and be rewarded for it!

For more information, refer to our "Introducing Weekly Bites" article.