Welcome to the 85th Weekly Bites! 

Here we will recap everything thats been happening on HabboBites as well as feature user-submitted content.

If you would like your content to be featured in the next edition of Weekly Bites, simply click here.

Earn bites points for each content featured in Weekly Bites!

Canvas Madness

The end of the month is quickly approaching and we would like to remind you to enter our Canvas Madness competition for some awesome prizes. Head on over here to participate and don't forget, it is completely free!


Last week we asked you "How excited are you for more Draw It games?" and here are the results:

Not very - 3

Somewhat - 6

Very - 5

*Screams* - 6

*Screams more* - 15

None of the above - 0

We should have added an option for those of you who don't get selected from the queue to join a game, because we are glad to see how much you all enjoy to play. A new poll question will be up shortly, be sure to answer and find out the results next week!

Ba, Ba Na Na, Ba Ba, Ba Na Na Na Na

Time to share your banana-related meals with the HabboBites community! All you need to do is post a picture on the feed with the tag #Bananatreats in order to participate, and you can score yourself a really cute site icon! Check out the competition article over here for more information!

The Fiesta is almost finished!

There is only one more day left to score some points for your teams so make sure to check out these activities and join a team if you have yet to do so! Don't let the small amount of time left discourage you from participating as you can win some amazing prizes. Head on over to the campaign article here for more information.

HabboBites Screenshots


That's all for our 85th edition of Weekly Bites - we will be back every Monday.

Remember, you can submit your own content to be featured in future editions of Weekly Bites and be rewarded for it!

For more information, refer to our "Introducing Weekly Bites" article.