
Now you can Subscripte to my blogg, and learn alot about me, and my many years of Habbo. Hope you enjoy reading. If there are anything you want to ask? Use the comment....

My Habbo Experince

Back in 2010/11 KimStar arrived to Habbo Denmark, he and i got freinds. I start worked with him, and become "preview builder" I Got all new furniture before other, to build and show other users what to come. I remember the School furniture. Later on 2011/12 unfortenly, we got to mutch freinds, and he borrowed me 2 White Icecream Machine, wish NOT was released in Denmark, and the trouble begond. KimStart gor fired and Xebal toke over. He and i allso got freinds, but we keep it cool :) Then they closed Habbo Denmark, Sweden and Norway - BIG lost but Habbo gave me 4000 credits, 1 years HC and 1 years BC to keep playing on Habbo uk, and i still playing :) Thanks for reading....


Hello there, im farkir and i want to try explain why my name is Farkir. Normaly my birthname is Kim, and when my kid startet played Habbo, i tryed spy he, So i signed up and wanted type FarKim (Father Kim) but i missed a M with a R (i dont know how) and then my name was FarKir instead of FarKim :) As soon i got more Bitspoint i give all the options to subscribe my blog. Thanks for reading and follow me....
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