Watch out for that vulture

Don't fall in the drain like I did!

Step 1

Wait for gate to open.

Flick all four switches shown below. Color tiles under the switches will turn green when flicked.

Avoid getting hit by the spiders highlighted in orange. Say "Done" when all four switches have been flicked.

Note: You have 1 minute to complete.

Grab a gun from the Gun Rack to proceed.

Enter the teleport.

Step 2

Get to the other side by using only the basalt rock and pile of slate.

However, you must only step when the scarecrow is turned off as shown below.

Enter either of the teleports. They bring you to the same place.

Step 3

Wait in line for your turn.

Use the cannon when the black vulture is in front of the jimson weed. Each miss will bring the vulture's health up by 1.

Say "done" when the skull reaches the red tile.

Note: You have 1 minute to complete.

Enter the teleport.

Step 4

Wait for gate to open.

Avoid the diseased rats and make your way to the switch. Highlighted in blue are the safe spots.

Flick the switch to teleport.

Note: You have 3 minutes to complete.

Enter the teleport.

Step 5

Use the punchbowl to receive your badge.