Children's Shows

Did you watch them as a kid? Do you know any of these shows?

Step 1

Stand beside the toys highlighted in green and say "*puts away*". Once all the toys have been put away, say "done".

Enter the teleport.

Step 2

Step on the library rug to teleport.

Wait in line patiently.

Use the arrow tiles to guide The Brain to their respective colour tiles. The one on the left starts first. Both Brains have to be on the colour tiles to be considered done.

Once done, step on the middle tile to teleport.

Note: If The Brain touches the crates, both Brains will reset and you will have to restart. You only have a minute to complete.

Stand next to Dexter and say "Didi is in your room".

Enter the teleport.

Step 3

Wait in line patiently.

Guide the bot to their matching colour tiles using the arrow tiles. When you are done with a bot, proceed through the gates to the next arrow tiles to guide the next bot.

When you're done with all 3 bots, step on the last gate.

Note: You have 2 minutes to complete this.

Enter the teleport.

Step 4

Stand next to the trees highlighted in green and say "*chop*".

Stand next to the wood piles highlighted below to collect them. When the campfire lights up, use the fish hole to teleport.

Enter the teleport.

Step 5

Only walk on the colour tiles when they are blue.

Note: They reset every 5 minutes.

Enter the teleport.

Step 6

Sit/stand and interact with the furni highlighted in green to turn the colour tiles green.

Say "done" when all the colour tiles are green to open the gates.

Walk through the gates to teleport.

Enter the teleport.

Step 7

Wait in line patiently.

Say "yes we can" to teleport to the switches.

Use the switches to guide the wooden crate to the red tile. Switch highlighted in green moves the crate to the left and switch highlighted in green moves crate down.

Flick switch when done to teleport.

Note: You have 30 seconds to complete this.

Enter the teleport.

Step 8

Make your way to the bridge by sitting only on the rock seats.

Say "a coin" in front of the barrier to open it. Then cross the bridge.

Collect all the bananas and avoid stepping on the traps. Flick the switch when done.

Cross the rollers and avoid stepping on the colour tiles. Time yourself well.

Enter the teleport.

Step 9

Make your way through the rollers and step on all the colour tiles. You will teleport to the start each time the colour tile is stepped on.

The gate will open when all the colour tiles are stepped on.

Note: The gate will only stay open for 30 seconds.

Enter the teleport.

Step 10

Wait patiently in line.

Colour tiles will start moving towards the pressure plate. Step on the matching colour tiles as it lands on the pressure plate. You lose when you miss one.

Survive for 30 seconds to win.

Use the classic BB ticket then enter the teleport.

Step 11

Sit on the donkey for your badge.