I wanted to start a forum thread on this topic but I realised that I could write an article about "2D vs Real life" instead.

2D characters

The first thing that comes to mind when you think about interactions with 2D characters would be an otome game!

Otome games are available on various platforms and it serves as a great source of entertainment. The characters are good-looking with "ideal" conditions of a boyfriend. Many females tend to set stereotypes for males after playing such games and prefer 2D characters than to deal with real life males. Well, human to human relationships are complicated after all! So an otome game can be seen as an alternative.

When one is playing an otome game, he/she is the main character and everything revolves around him/her. Hence, this can be seen as an escape from reality and serves to fulfill romantic fantasies that people have.

Animated shows are yet another popular market and interest of many. Anime brings life to scenes that can never be achieved in reality and comes with a diverse range of genres. The detailed art and effects makes one gape in awe and may even make the viewer feel like jumping into the screen to join in the fun/drama!

Real life humans

One big difference between real life humans and 2D characters would be that one is non-fiction whilst the other is fictional.

In real life, facial expressions and body movements are more detailed and subtle than some exaggerated animated reactions. Thus, interactions between humans require more observational skills and energy. Also, humans can be seen as "alive" compared to 2D characters without a will.

Humans, unlike 2D characters, are not perfect with beautifully drawn eyes, smooth skin, hair that doesn't get messy etc. Such imperfections can be seen as a plus because these make each human unique.


Humans are complex creatures and the humans around me tend to bring me stress every now and then.

Occasionally, due to clash of values or opinions, conflicts arises and solving such clashes brings about a huge headache. Although it is true that I may become exhausted after interacting with humans, I'm able to mature through such experiences.

Hence, I prefer humans over 2D characters.

What do you think? Leave your thoughts in the reactions column!