Welcome to the 78th Weekly Bites! 

Here we will recap everything thats been happening on HabboBites as well as feature user-submitted content.

If you would like your content to be featured in the next edition of Weekly Bites, simply click here.

Earn bites points for each content featured in Weekly Bites!

Random Recommendations

Lemon (Drake Remix) by N.E.R.D & Rihanna (feat. Drake)

I love this song because the beat is lit and it keeps me alive when I'm at my worst. Also it annoys nearly anybody but is soooo catchy. I love it!

This week's random recommendation was submitted by Jamie.

Please note, Jamie requested for this image to be featured.

What's in your bag? (Round 2)

Following last year's competition, it's time once more to feature all the lovely items you keep in your bags for all your online friends to see (while secretly judging you). All you need to do is snap a photo of a minimum of 5 items from your everyday bag and post it on the feed with the tag #WhatsInYourBag2 to participate! For more information about the competition, check out the main article here, and for some inspiration, check out last year's entries here.


Last week we asked you "How many countries have you traveled to?and here are the results:

0 - 9

1-3 - 15

4-6 - 7

7-9 - 3

10+ - 5

Even if you don't travel to new countries, you can always travel to new places and consume tasty food! If you travel to new countries, the food you consume is equally as tasty. A new poll question will be up shortly, be sure to answer and find out the results next week!

Shark of the Week

Time for another installment of our shark information segment. This week's Shark of the Week is... the Shortfin mako shark!

Being the fastest-swimming shark in the ocean, the Shortfin mako shark is able to catch up to any prey swimming away from it and can even make great leaps in to the air.


That's all for our 78th edition of Weekly Bites - we will be back every Monday.

Remember, you can submit your own content to be featured in future editions of Weekly Bites and be rewarded for it!

For more information, refer to our "Introducing Weekly Bites" article.